Momentan sind sie in der Zugangsschlüssel-Verwaltung von LimeSurvey.

Hier können Sie Zugangsschlüssel für Ihre Umfrage anschauen und bearbeiten.

Was sind Zugangsschlüssel?
Zugangsschlüssel anzeigen
Neuen Zugangsschlüssel-Eintrag hinzufügen
Importieren/Hochladen einer CSV Datei
Email Einladungen

Email Erinnerung senden
Zugangsschlüssel generieren

Die folgenden Optionen sind auf der Zugangsschlüssel-Kontrolleiste verfügbar:

Hauptseite: Hier klicken, um die Zugangsschlüssel-Administration zu schliessen und zur Hauptadministrationsseite für Ihre Umfrage zurückzukehren.
Übersicht: Klicken Sie hier, um sich eine Übersicht aller Einträge in der Zugangsschlüssel-Tabelle anzeigen zu lassen, bzw. um auf einige allgemeine Datenbank-Funktionen zuzugreifen, wie:
Set all entries to 'N' invitation sent:
  Deletes all records of invitations sent out. Usually done if something goes wrong with your email of invitations and you want to try it again.
Delete all unique token numbers:
  Delete all generated token numbers
Delete all token entries:
  Clear the tokens table completely
Drop tokens table:
  Remove tokens from your survey. The survey would then be accessible to all.
Zugangsschlüssel anzeigen: Klicken Sie hier, um sich alle Zugangsschlüssel anzeigen zu lassen.
Add new token entry: Click here to add a new participant to the tokens table.
Zugangsschlüssel importieren: Klicken Sie hier, um eine CSV-Datei mit Namen und Email-Adressen zu importieren. Die CSV-Datei muss ein standard komma-getrennte Datei ohne Begrenzungszeichen sein. Die erste Zeile wird als Kopfzeile interpretiert. Reihenfolge der Felder sollte sein: Vorname, Nachname, Email, [Zugangsschlüssel]. Das Zugangsschlüssel-Feld ist optional.
Send email invitation: Click here to send email invitations to the participants listed in your tokens table.
Send email reminder: Click here to send email reminders to the participants listed in your tokens table. Reminders are only sent to participants who have already been sent an invitation.
Generate Tokens: Click here to generate unique random token numbers for your participants. Although you can manually create token numbers, or import them from a CSV file, it is usually recommended that you use this feature as it ensures that there are no duplicate entries.
Drop Tokens Table: Click here to drop the tokens table and remove tokens from your survey. The survey would then be accessible to all.

Was sind "Zugangsschlüssel"?
Tokens are a system you can use to have a controlled survey. A controlled survey allows you to have a list of 'participants', or people who have been invited to respond to the survey, and then control their access to the survey. Each participant is issued with a unique token number. This token number gives the participant access to the survey.

When tokens are activated for your survey, the only people who can access the public survey are those who have a 'token' that matches an entry in this table. Using the tokens control section of LimeSurvey you can add, remove and modify these token entries.

The LimeSurvey tokens system allows you to track who has access to your survey, send out invitations and reminders to those participants, and see if they have responded. If you make your survey non-anonymous (or tracked) you can also match responses to the token entry.

Zugangsschlüssel anzeigen
When displaying tokens, you can see all your entries (in lots of 50, or as determined by you). The top section of the display is the Data View Control menu bar. This menu bar gives you the following options:

Show start: Click here to view entries from the beginning of your list.
Show last: Click here to view the previous lot of entries.
Show next: Click here to view the next lot of entries.
Show last: Click here to view the very last entries in your list.

You are also able to set the number of tokens displayed, and the starting point of your records using the "Records Displayed:" and "Starting From:" fields, then clicking on "Show".

Anzeige sortieren
At the top of each column when displaying tokens, is the name of the field and the 'sort' icon (). Clicking on the sort icon will re-order the display of tokens, sorted alphabetically by that column.

A set of actions can be performed with each individual token entry. These actions are listed below:

Edit Entry: Click here to edit this entry.
Delete Entry: Click here to delete this entry.
Do Survey: Click here to do the survey using this token.
View Response: Click here to view the response made by this participant (only available where applicable).
Invite: Click here to send an invitation to this participant only.
Reminder: Click here to send a reminder invitation to this participant only.

Neuen Zugangsschlüssel-Eintrag hinzufügen
With this screen you can create a new token entry, adding an extra participant to the list of people who can access the survey. The fields available are:
Firstname: The participants first name
Lastname: The participants last name
Email: The participants email address
Token: The participants unique token. While you can create your own at this point, it is better to use the "Generate tokens" feature later, and leave this blank.
Invite Sent?: If a "Y" is in this field, the participant will not be sent an invitation email when you choose "Invite". If anything else is in here, the invitation email will be sent.
Completed?: If a "Y" is in this field, the participant will not be able to use the token. When a participant completes the survey, this field is changed to "Y".

There are no mandatory fields in the 'add new token' screen. You can include as much or as little information as you want. There is no duplicate entry control either, so it is possible to have the same name over and over again.

Importieren/Hochladen einer CSV-Datei

Durch dieses Feature können Sie in LimeSurvey eine CSV-Datei mit Namen und Email-Adressen hochladen. Die CSV-Datei muss folgendes Format haben:
-keine Begrenzungszeichen
Feldnamen in der erste Zeile.

Die erste Zeile wird immer als Kopfzeile genutzt. Wenn Ihre Datei also diese Kopfzeile nicht enthält, so geht die erste Zeile Ihrer Daten verloren!. Die Datei sollte unfähr so aussehen:

Vorname, Nachname, Email, Zugangsschluessel
Jason, Cleeland,,
Bob, Jones,,

BItte beachten Sie, dass die letzte Spalte "Zugangsschlüssel" optional ist. Sie können Ihre eigenen Zugangsschlüssel-Nummern importieren - dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie eine Methode zur Generierung Ihrer Zugangsschlüssel nutzen. Wenn Sieeine mitgliederbasierte Orgranisation sind, könnten Sie z.B. die Mitgliedsnummer als Zugangsschlüssel importieren.

Email Einladung
Use this feature to send invitation emails to all participants in your tokens table. Before sending an email, LimeSurvey checks each entry to ensure that the following conditions are met:
a) Email address exists
b) Token has been generated
c) An invitation has not already been sent
d) Participant has not yet completed the survey

Each invitation is personalised, and is merged with information from the tokens table. You are given the option of modifying the subject and text of your email before it is sent out. To use information from the tokens table in the body of your email, use the following 'merge' codes:
{FIRSTNAME}: Vorname
{LASTNAME}: Nachname
{SURVEYNAME}: Name Ihrer Umfrage
{ADMINNAME}: Name des Umfrage-Administrators
Email-Adresse des Umfrage-Administrators

For example, if your message reads "Dear {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} here is a survey called {SURVEYNAME} for you to try. Love {ADMINNAME}" The recipient will receive an email that looks something like this: "Dear Saddam Hussein here is a survey called What I Did On My Holidays for you to try. Love Jason Cleeland".

Erinnerung senden
Use this feature to send reminder emails to all participants in your tokens table. Before sending an email, LimeSurvey checks to ensure that the following conditions are met:
a) Email address exists
b) Token has been generated
c) An invitation has already been sent out
d) Participant has not yet completed the survey

Zugangsschlüssel generieren
Nutzen Sie dieses Feature um eindeutige zufällige Zugangsschlüssel-Nummern für jeden Eintrag in Ihrer Zugangsschlüssel Tabelle zu generieren. Bestehende Zugangsschlüssel werden nicht überschrieben.