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Life Must Go On in Gaza and Sderot
The blog that started it all
Initiated in 2008, this online public dialogue between 'Hopeman' from Sderot and 'Peaceman' from Gaza laid the foundation for the establishment of Other Voice.

If You Will It - It Will Come
Other Voice's Julia Chaitin's blog, "Dedicated to peace, justice, non-violence. A way to help me combat the weariness of the conflict".

Skip Schiel's Blog
A photographer, writer, and political activist, who writes extensively on the troubles in Israel and Gaza.


FAB - Friendship Across Borders
A non-governmental peace-organization, in which Germans, Palestinians and Israelis work together. Its principle activity is to train young adults in mutual understanding, respect and acceptance through their own personal transformation, so that they become "Peace-Carriers" in their societies.